It's been quite the start to the new year.  While I was feeling all peppy to go back to school and teach my heart away.  Day 1 sent me home with Influenza!!! I have been in bed for dayssssss and yes I did get the shot.  It was just an unlucky circumstance and one you risk when you work with kids.  I still recommend getting the shot, despite my luck this year.  
Yes, I am dating myself with this Soul II Soul reference but I really like this song and it sums up how I am feeling.  I am back to life and I have "to keep on movin' ".  Thank goodness for this MLK holiday because I need all the rest I can get before I teach 5 Spanish sections in a row.
Anyway, here's what I've been up to while in bed.
2.  Listening to Podcasts galore.  Here are some of my faves:
a.  Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald (Hollywood sillyness)
c.  The Little Yellow Couch (decor, fashion)
d.  Here to make Friends (Bachelor recap show)
3.  Watching the Bachelor... hello Corrine!
Ladies of London
I was honestly too sick to enjoy anything during this flu.  So I am looking forward to re-entering civilization and energizing every aspect of my life.
I am still on a health kick and I am doing Beachbody on Demand videos for a little Yoga and Cardio.
And yes I will be adding this Soul II Soul to my workout mix.
What about you?
How is the New Year treating you?