Baleadas have been our go-to meal since we have arrived in Roatan. Just writing this post makes my mouth water. I am meeting B at 12:30 to have these for lunch after his dive.
We buy ours at Anthony's Chicken and more which is across the street from the Landing bar here in Roatan on the West End. I love how there is no shortage of hot sauces and I have to always have some on my food. But truthfully without the hot sauce these are AWESOME and so hearty, especially when you are traveling on a budget.
You can buy one Baleada for 30 lempiras which is about $1.50.
there are many varieties of Baleadas, the ones pictured here are "con huevo, aguacate y frijoles." Take a look inside in case your español is a little spotty....
It's not the prettiest foodie picture but it was the kind of 411 I was dying to find when I was planning for this trip. For some reason, info on Roatan is not easy to find, beyond the usual resort, cruise ship, mission trip kind of stuff.
Anyways, here is the menu, so you can get an idea. Obviously, you can eat these for any meal. I noticed they were closed on Saturday, this past weekend, but thankfully they were open again on Sunday. We were offered some specials like Beef soup, which I really did want but it was a little too hot to try. The lady who runs this shop is a doll and her husband drives a taxi and does tours. They were super sweet. So what do you think, is this kind of food up your alley?
Absolutely laura...your pick looks yummy! love that your sharing "day in a life" things, very intetesting & helpful for us who would like to visit!