Some of my favorite foods in the world are green : avocados, cilantro and jalapeños.  I mentioned on twitter yesterday that when I don't have cilantro in the house I start to panic.  That's because it adds such a nice flavor to so many dishes and it is a key ingredient to many Latin and Asian dishes, which as you know are my favorites.
I had seen some avocado recipes floating around on the web but it was finally Sweet Sarah Bee's recipe that motivated me to give it a go.  Plus I had all the ingredients on hand so it was a quick YES!  As you can see,  I kept it "real" with my Great Value pasta, budget cuts people!  However, I am a recent convert to quinoa pasta but more on that in another post.
In sealaura fashion, you throw in:
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • cilantro
  • salt & pepper
  • 3 Tbsp of mayo
  • chopped jalapeno ( I love spice so if you don't you can omit)
  • 2 Tbsp of chopped garlic  (I love garlic so I tend to go crazy with it)
  • lime juice from 2 limes or to your taste

and then give it a nice whirl in your food processor.  I must say I LOVE my Ninja.  I was a little wary when the hubster bought it, especially since I had been a Cuisinart fan but this guy is my new BFF, it has great power and makes so many things (margaritas!!!)  with less mess.  I recommend chilling the sauce and adding it to your pasta as you serve it.  The lime juice keeps it nice and green even on day two.  We had this salad on a bed of spring greens and it was so nice and refreshing.  Please pardon the final plate pic, but I forgot to style a pretty one for you.  Still, trust me, this is such an easy recipe and so good made with a few basic ingredients.  Thanks Sweet Sarah Bee!
What's cooking at your beach house today?