Hola! Since I am usually sharing about my travels I thought I would do a little homage to my current home base : the land of Red. I ended up here for my trabajo. As many of you know, my previous residence was the bend: South Bend, Indiana.Redlands is a cute little town, home of many lemon and orange groves. For the most part Redlands is an hour away from many cool spots like the beach, Big Bear, LA, Pasadena, Palm Springs, that's if the traffic does not get in the way. When I lived in the bend I really did not enjoy it as much as I should have. I did take the South Shore (the vomit comet! haha!) to Chicago but not enough times. I did visit some small towns in neighboring Michigan but not nearly enough. So now that I am back in Cali, I am trying to enjoy all that being in the land of Red has to offer. One of my favorite things about the land of Red is the architecture and all the historical spots. This train station was built in 1910 and it is currently abandoned. It would be amazing if we could actually get a train to come out here and get this station buzzing again. I think this little area has so much potential. Coffee shops have come and gone, I hope someday something sticks!
CONFESSION : as much as I do love the land of Red, once Friday hits, I am itching to roll out of here. Not because it is hot as heck right now, not because there aren't enough night spots, but because there is so much to see out here in Cali! And thankfully the land of Red IS a great place to live for an aspiring travel writer like myself. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! enjoy your home base or get out and explore!