Spring is a time for changes
I was out back @sealaura headquarters and I was so amazed by the loyalty of my roses. People have come and gone but these roses along with some other floral beauties have always come back and cheered me up. I have lived at this house for 5 years and they have not been easy years. Many changes have occurred and although some of those changes were hard hits, I am happy to report that I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. I used to come out to this yard and look over to where the pool was going to go and where the kids would play. Now, I simply come out to try and keep it alive so that the next owner can enjoy them. It has been difficult to live in a house where I lost some of my dreams.
But a bittersweet happiness is peeking from the other side. In about a month and half the sealaura estate will relocate to a nice apartment but still in the land of Red. I am so excited! Leaving this house will be like peeling a band aid off quickly. I need to do it and it has to happen now. I just hope that all the planning I have been doing to secure a smooth exit will occur (ie new tenants and a smooth transition to new owner).If you have read this far, thank you. It is hard being a grown up these days. And if you have read my header, part of this blog is me surfing through life. I am so excited to catch the next wave. :)