I just received a piece that will go in the sealaura office : my inspiration board from The Primrose Shop. The lovely Betsy @The Primrose Shop has been kind enough to help me with the details. I love it because it is metal so I can use magnets to post my pictures, notes etc. No more damage from tacks! One of the sweet details is this grosgrain ribbon from where it hangs. On my inspiration board, you will find pottery barn clippings, magazine articles, postcards, and some other scraps here and there. What is on your inspiration board?
Thanks to all of you lovely readers who left such sweet comments on yesterday's post. I am so excited for my new adventures. And yes, Norm has gotten the memo about our headquarters re-locating. He is looking forward to mark new favorite spots ( hee hee!) and to help me decorate our new home. We may be leaving the sealaura estate but we are so delighted about moving to the sealaura villa.