I had a really great weekend and for the first time in a very long time I feel a tad caught up with my home life.  I spent the weekend washing linens, and putting some things away.  After all that work my hands definitely needed some love and that's when the Bit Fat Yummy Hand cremes came in!  My favorite is definitely the Beach Blanket One because of its citrus and vanilla scents.  I love vanilla in fact that is my favorite perfume scent.  But all of these have either vanilla or citrus so I was a happy girl.
I also got to use these chunks by Perfectly Posh.  It has been a long time since I have been obsessed about beauty products.  I am not much of a makeup person but naturally based products ARE my JAM!  I like the Coconut chunk and Seas the day for everyday beachy goodnes and the Field Better soon, to wind down the day.  I love taking a bath after work and then using lavender as a base to soothe my soul.
If you are interested in trying out Perfectly Posh, you can choose your own bundle.
1.  choose a chunk
2.  love on a lip balm
3.  Have a hand crème
Wishing you a Happy Monday and don't forget to SEAS THE DAY!