I've been on a mega mani kick lately. As you may recall, my favorite mani is white, I know boring right? I just love how clean my hands look so it is definitely my go to look
The first trimester is coming to a close which is the hardest one on teachers, There's college recs to write, events galore which leaves little time for much else. But I have of course sneaked in the manis!
My friend Alicia had a little Jamberry online party which added fuel to my mani obsession. As I mentioned I am more of a classic girl and have short nails and one accent nail is as exciting as I get, but I thought I would give these a try, why not? The style above is called Moab but I thought it was very Sedona-y so I started with that one. I'm not gonna lie my first application was a little messy because I have this thing with not following directions to the T. And I am a teacher, I give directions ALL DAY yet I can NOT follow them.
I was pretty happy with how they came out and they were fun to wear, but because I was obsessed I wanted to try more.....
I wore these for about a week and got many compliments. I was pretty happy because here in Sedona (resort town) e v e r y t h i n g costs an arm and a leg, so paying for a mani on my teacher salary is definitely out of the question.
I used my Chanel Satin and then I added a layer of the Essie and it was AMAZING. I know it does not look spectacular here but for me, it was spectacular!
What colors are you currently wearing?
What colors are you currently wearing?
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Thanks so much for visiting! What's going on over at your beach house?