Namaste as many as you know is a gesture of greeting done when meeting or saying farewell.  Most people are familiar with this word because it is how many end their yoga practice.  According to Yoga Journal,  "Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra."  No matter what your faith is, it is always nice to search for that divine spark within yourself that makes you, YOU.  
Over the past couple of years I've moved around the country for university jobs, working with the military, a Catholic High School, for B's jobs, but none of these moves have led to a life change as big as this one.  Living in Sedona is amazing but at our little school and corner of the world, there are many components to being part of this community.   I am sure I will talk more about those as the weeks go by, don't worry! 
We arrived 2 weeks ago with our whole life in a box plus the canine travel team in tow. 
I am so exhausted but also so exhilarated.  Not only will I be teaching my passion to these kids but I will also be developing as a professional and a human being.  I know it sounds crazy and hippie dippy but it is truly how I feel.  I think I am a decent language teacher but moving to Sedona has reinvigorated and reignited that **spark**  in me that made me fall in love with languages and fall in love with teaching.