To be honest, whenever the topic of golf came up or if it was on the tube, I might have started to feel a siesta on the horizon.  However, I have recently understood the allure of golf as a weekend past time due to my recent visit to THE Pebble Beach Golf Course.  A day on beautiful grounds and by the sea is definitely up my alley.

Pebble Beach is located between Monterey and Carmel Valley.  Before reaching PB we started out on the famous 17 mile drive which I will show you another day ( the pics I took did not do the place justice!) and meandered our way to the PB Lodge.  Just when I think it can not get any more beautiful up here in Monterey... it does!  Although there were many gorgeous mansions and beautiful greens along the golf course, the sea is what always catches my eye.  If you come out to Monterey, this is a "must see, must stop"!

What is a "must see, must stop" in your town?