Are you ready for a little snack?  I am always ready for avocado anything and luckily here in Cali, they are plentiful, pricey but still plentiful.  As much as I would like to take credit for this delish dish, B whipped this up for us to snack on during the Super Bowl.  I actually do make a pretty good guac, but if my B wants to create, who am I to stop him?
 los ingredientes :

  • avocados/ aguacates
  • tomatos/ tomates
  • cilantro/cilantro
  • chopped onion/ cebolla picada
  • jalapeño/ jalapeño
  • jugo de limon o lima/ lemon or lime juice
  • salt to taste / sal a su propio gusto
  • pepper to taste/ pimienta a su propio gusto
Everything has to be fresh, it is FRESH FRIDAYS after all!

las instrucciones:
  • As you can probably imagine, chop everything and mix it all together.  Then put in a cute bowl!
  • If you leave the pit in your guacamole it prevents it from getting brown and icky.
Don't forget to stop by Simpledaisy who always has something fantastic lined up!

Now kick off your shoes, have a seat and enjoy your weekend!