Some of you might have seen or participated in this bloggy tag of posting prom pictures. Well dahlings here is mine! I went to an all girl school in LA : Marlborough School. I started in 7th grade and left in 12th. YES, dahlings 6 years with the same (more or less) girls. I didn't truly enjoy those six years but during those years I made some of my most precious friendships. Enough sap... Anywho, my prom was in some hotel in Santa Monica and I went with a friend from Loyola School. It was ok, awkward like most of those six years.
Not to toot my own horn, but since my prom pic is not completely hideous I thought I would share my senior portrait with you. It is tradition at my school that we all wear the
same white dress. I look like a piñata with poofy hair Mind you this was before my supermodel days (joke! remember earlier post) and although I love to take pics, I don't really like being photographed. Either way Enjoy!:So, somewhere out there I imagine a prom will be going on this weekend! Fun right? I think what I liked most about the prom was getting dolled up and hanging with my amigas because there was always mischief to be had. I tag anyone who wants to share their prom pic. If you do, please do tell dahling so I can visit. Happy Friday and maybe we should all have a prom of our own this weekend!