I'm Just Beachy tagged me for the "Picture Tag" game so voilá. Here is my 6th picture in my 6th Folder. These are my kids. I often find myself talking about my kids when I meet new people and when they ask me how old they are I have to clarify and say that they are my estudiantes! (Yes dahlings I have kids in college don't I look great for my age?) I have been with this bunch for 2 years. I met them when they were little grasshoppers going through their language requirements and they were brave enough to stick with me for Spanish 301 and 302. Recently they made mamá proud by kicking tail in the debates I had them do in class. Not only did they make solid arguments about their topics but they did it in fabulous ESPAÑOL! This picture is from their first debate and don't they look fabulous. Profesora always makes them dress up, you have to look the part, right?We did have a little snafoo at the last debate when un Señor who shall remain nameless wore dress shoes with gym socks, eek! Bless his little heart though, he was sporting a nice ensemble otherwise. Seriously dahlings, I love my kids, they put up with profesora, but more than anything I am seriously proud of how well they can speak and write español.

Well according to this game I must tag 6 other blogsitos so here are my six:

The 5 C Family (my friend, neighbor and 3pm snacksito enabler)
Hula Girl at Heart (a new beachy bloggy friend)
Mommy's on Vacation (she's at the beach!)
Potspoon (my source for science from the VIs)
Simple Daisy (beachy minded jewelry designer)
My blueskies (Anita always has fun photos!)

Bueno chiquitas, this assignment will not be graded but .. wait that was profesora talking. Just kidding! Feel free to carry on this viral game of tag or not, I just know that I'm not it! :)