Public Radio has been a large part of my "grown up" life, so I was incredibly honored that my friend
David , invited me to the station for an interview. KVCR is currently seeking listener testimonials as part of their "My Source" Campaign. The goal of the "
My Source" campaign is to foster awareness of public media.

I have always been comforted by the voices of
Michele Norris,
Carl Kassel,
Michael Feldman,
Click and Clack and many other talented people from NPR. They have been my constant companions through my many moves. Here in the Inland Empire of California, David has been a familiar voice and good friend. Have you ever wondered what your NPR host looked like? Sure you can Google, but before Google (
GASP) I had my own images of these radio folks. Well this is what my NPR host looks like:

Apart from being a talented voice and producer for KVCR Dave is also an amazing artist.

When I walked into the station I felt like I was walking into Greg Brady's bedroom and I LOVED IT! It was so nostalgic and cool. Don't let the funky decor, throw you off this station is great!

While I was doing my interview, I noticed these two signs that just made me giggle. When I saw the pledge sign, I immediately thought of how hard it must be to get pledges during these hard economic times but when I read the "lemon" it all made sense, all this wood paneling did call for that lemony stuff.

Well in case you are wondering,
KVCR is my source for travel. I mentioned how via their programming I can be whisked away to many places. I can go from looking at a transmission with Click and Clack in Boston to sitting in an auditorium in Madison for Whad'ya know. NPR is a great way to travel the US and abroad, sometimes all in just one hour!
oh you are famosa now... yay! you should post the recording.
ReplyDeleteOh what FUN! I love NPR too ~ I wish I had more leisurely time to enjoy it, but I do get some time driving to and from school. I agree w/Mimi, you should post the recording!!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that I've not listened to NPR. Maybe I should tune in and see what I'm missing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog recently. I hope you did make it up to Oak Glen for a visit.
CONGRATS!!! I'm a huge fan of NPR too, I listen to it every day and always learn a lot.
ReplyDeletecool! bet that was fun...
ReplyDeleteAmen to that. I've been interviewed by NPR journalists on many occasions, and they are the most focused and professional media folks I've had the pleasure of working with.
ReplyDeleteTheir on-air product is incredible - deep, informative and relevant. We need their perspective, especially in an age where media standards seem to be slipping.
ok, so I'm a little behind on reading your wonderful blog--and this is totally cool!!! That's so awesome that you got to go on air! Way to represent!
ReplyDeleteI think the only thing keeping Laura from posting the interview - is my actually getting it TO her. Many thanks to Laura - for her kind words and friendship. Thanks to all else (above) for the NPR comments. No matter WHERE you listen - just that you do.
ReplyDeleteDavid Fleming