Today I woke up with a lot of anxiety.  
I am a very easy going person but there are times when I feel very overwhelmed.  So I immediately drank a lot of water, took out my yoga mat, and turned on my diffuser.  
I have been doing the 3 week Yoga retreat and decided to do a stretching video. I figured if my blood flowed more freely then maybe I would release the tension I was feeling.  The relief was not immediate but it helped me so much.  I struggled through some of the poses but when the practice arrived to Savasana (corpse pose) I was ready.
Below is my take away from this morning's practice.
Represents a death of the old to allow for a rebirth of the new
It's an Opportunity to exhale anything we don't want to bring with us
If you are holding on to things that no longer serve you, then release it.
If we are still hanging on to what is old, we have no space for the new and exciting
It only continues to exist because you continue to think about it.
After my practice, I enjoyed a smoothie and went forward feeling lighter.
Even if you have never done yoga, I highly encourage you to take some time out of your day for Savasana.
How do you overcome anxiety?